The Damning Effects of White Christian Nationalism: Understanding and Addressing Its Dangers to Christians and Churches Introduction: White Christian nationalism is a pernicious ideology combining religious beliefs with a sense of national identity that asserts the superiority of white Christians. This ideology distorts the essence of Christianity, promoting exclusion and division rather than unity and love. Understanding and addressing the dangers it poses to Christians and churches is crucial for fostering an inclusive and equitable society.

Addressing A History Of Sin In A Nation – Joel 2: Part II

Addressing A History Of Sin In A Nation – Joel 2:12-29 Part II By Angela Dixon In part one of this article I covered how the long standing history of racism in this nation comes from a place of sin. Specifically it comes from the sin of self-worship. We looked at how the frenzy of colonialism that lead to destroying native peoples and enslaving Africans was not unlike a locust storm, both forces causing destruction

Addressing a History of Sin – Joel 2: Part I

Addressing A History Of Sin In A Nation – Joel 2:12-29 Part I By Angela Dixon About 2 years ago, a friend and I were praying about the army mentioned in Joel 2. I could not escape the Joel 2 passage for a long time. The imagery used is a swarm of locusts. As I studied the nature of locusts, I found something very peculiar that seemed to illustrate an issue that was close to

Pull Yourself Up By Your Own Bootstraps

This week we commemorated the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination. Many of his speeches surfaced via social media. In one of Dr. King’s speeches, he mentions the mantra that many of my Anglo brothers use: “Why can blacks do like whites? We work hard and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.” To this mantra, Dr. King referenced the system that made it difficult for many people of color to “pull ourselves up

What is Your Picture of the Future?

What is Your Picture of the Future? Romans 4:17 ESV: “as it is written, ‘I have made you the father of many nations’ —in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist. Language is powerful! How we “see” things and one another is also powerful. As I wrestle with events in my own life and events that are

Get Woke! Understanding Racism

Racial Justice Series Listen to what the folks at the Verge Network have to say about Racial Justice and let’s start a conversation that leads to change. John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” It is time

Message by Russell Moore  (Click here)  Recently, the Southern Baptist made the news concerning their condemnation of the Alt-Right group. The SBC’s condemnation of the Alt-Right is a good start because “Words Create Worlds.” To help us appreciate what the Lord is doing in the Southern Baptist, I am including a message by Russell Moore. Moore leads the policy arm of the SBC. Reconciliation-Gospel 

Learning to Trust in Adverse Situations

LEARNING TO TRUST THE LORD IN ADVERSE SITUATIONS is something I have struggled with, especially in the last few years. According to Scripture, I can and should trust the Lord, with my whole being, in all things, whether good or bad, because He is working in the midst of these trials to bring about something good (Romans 8:28). In Scripture, we see this truth with Joseph. Joseph, after much abuse and trauma, was elevated to 2nd