Whatcha Lookin At?
Dr. Reginald S. Screen There is a children's bible song that has the following lyrics: O be careful little eyes what you see. There's a Father up above. And He's looking down in love. So, be careful little eyes what you see... We would do well today to heed the...
How to Make Good Decisions
Reginald S. Screen Are you good at making decisions? I know some people who seem to have no problem making a decision. There is a lot that goes into making great decisions. Personality is one of those important aspects of how one makes decisions. On the DISC...
GET WOKE! “How Do You Stop Racism?”
Reginald S. Screen Earlier this week I read a quote on LinkedIn from Morgan Freeman called "How Do You Stop Racism?" Here is Freeman’s statement: "Stop talking about it. I'm going to stop calling you a white man & I am going to ask you to stop calling me a black...
Dr. Reginald S. Screen Lately, I have been giving considerable thought to the subject of boundaries and the need to establish good boundaries. Are you good at setting boundaries? Over the years I have gotten better at establishing boundaries; however, I still need to...
The Power of a Clear and Focused Goal
Dr. Reginald S. Screen Hello, I am Reginald S. Screen, and I work primarily in the realm of leadership development and leadership/executive coaching. Since 2000, I have been helping leaders from the public, private, government and religious sectors become more...